Ressource Limit Patch for suPHP 0.5.2 (obsolete)

Note: this patch is obsolete. There is a more current versions of suPHP 0.6.x where rlimits can be set via the Apache configuration using the directives RLimitCPU, RLimitMEM, RLimitNPROC.

rlimit-patch for suPHP

  1. download suphp from suPHP download and extract it
  2. download the patch
  3. apply the patch using patch -p0 < rlimit-0.1.0-0.5.2-patch
  4. change into suPHP's directory
  5. run autoconf
  6. run autoheader

after this the configuration possibilities are enhanced by the following options

                          limit cpu time with setrlimit
  --with-rlimit-as=BYTES  limit total available memory with setrlimit
                          limit number of processes with setrlimit
                          limit number of open files with setrlimit

so just run configure with your preferences, make, and make install

e.g. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-apache-user=apache --with-rlimit-cpu=120 --with-rlimit-as=52428800 --with-rlimit-nproc=15 --with-rlimit-nofile=100
make && make install
this will limit every execution of a php script to 2 minutes cpu time, 50 MB memory, 15 processes, and a maximum number of 100 open files.
For the other configuration directives see the suPHP documentation

The patch is tested with Apache 1.3.x only!

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