====== Convert tinydns data format to zone file format described by RFC 1035 (bind-style) ====== This simple script converts the content of tinydns' data file into separate zone files - one zone file per domain. The major conversion is done by the axfrdns program which is part of [[https://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html|djbdns]]. ===== Requirements ===== * Access to tinydns' data file - the script below assumes its location in /etc/tinydns/root. If it is located in a different path simply adjust the script. * [[https://cr.yp.to/djbdns/axfrdns.html|axfrdns program]] running ===== Setting up axfrdns ===== Use [[https://cr.yp.to/djbdns/axfrdns-conf.html|axfrdns-conf]]. Make sure that the user account //gaxfrdns// and the group //gdnslog// exists. The following lines will set up axfrdns to listen on and to control the process via daemontools. axfrdns-conf gaxfrdns gdnslog /etc/axfrdns /etc/tinydns ln -s /etc/axfrdns /etc/service ===== Conversion Script ===== #!/bin/bash set -e cd /etc/tinydns/root make mkdir -p zone SERIAL=$(date +%Y%m%d)01 grep "^\." data | cut -d: -f1 | uniq | cut -c2- | while read domain; do echo -e "; vim\\x3a ts=8" > zone/$domain.zone echo -e '$TTL 86400\n' >> zone/$domain.zone dig +nostats +onesoa +nocmd @ AXFR $domain | \ sed -e "s/\(.*\)2560\(.*SOA\t[^ ]\+ [^ ]\+ \)[0-9 ]\+/\1259200\2(\n\t$SERIAL ; serial\n\t3H ; refresh\n\t1H ; retry\n\t3W ; expire\n\t600) ; ttl neg caching/" >> zone/$domain.zone done